On Tuesday I attended the launch of
Ewan Morrison's Latest book,
titled: Tales From The Mall.
The book comprises of both fact and fiction as Morrison guides us though the various stories he has collected from employees of our collosal
shopping centres and explores the history of how they came into being, making
for a very entertaining and informative read.
Asides from my shopaholic tendencies, you may be wondering
why I would be interested in such a book? Ewan challanges why we all flock to
these establishments and why we find them so comforting, from the fully covered
Muslim woman, who power walks around the mall to avoid the Taunting children of
her neighbourhood. To the woman using it as a secret rendezvous for her
adulterous affair. There are plently of underlying issues beneath the clothes
and appealing window displays. You will find yourself relating to the anecdotes
from Ewan's various interviewees and chuckling along with their observations. How he has transformed these true anecdotes into such entertaining stories is flawless and is a real game changer for fictional writing.
The cover was inspired from 50's billboard advertising campaigns, tying in neatly with the birth of the Mall occurring in this decade. Definitely
a good read for the commute and on the go, and it's not too heavy in the
The book was published by independent publishing
house Cargo and can be bought in Waterstones or from Amazon.co.uk. I
am hoping maybe the book will be available on iBooks soon too, can't wait to get stuck into this!