Tuesday 19 February 2013

Day 4/5

Day 4:
It was back to work yesterday and I opted for a very sensible pencil skirt look with a split to the side. Slightly over compensating for my lack of clothing options by choosing bright red shoes.

Photo: Day 4: pencil skirt style with side split. #1skirt1month #todayimwearing

Between the two days I managed to wash and dry my skirt in record time. I don't have a tumble dryer so was counting on my radiators / hair dryer.

Day 5:

Looking cool an casual today with my trainers and sparkly, knitted top. 

I am definitely running out of options. I caught myself day dreaming today about what I am going to wear on my night out on Saturday. Then I remembered... I'll be wearing this skirt.
Sad Face.

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