Monday, 16 January 2012

Idle Hands...

Once again, in the land of Gala me and my flatmate found ourselves at a loose end. After a few glasses of wine* with friends I suddenly find myself being turned into a human doodle!
Yes, Johanna decided to practise her drawing skills on my face by imitating a Mexican Sugar Skull, usually seen at the famous Dia De Los Muertos festival in Mexico.

Not bad for some eyeliner / shadow eh!? Although, I do warn you that Johanna is in fact a freelance illustrator. Here is a scarf she made recently, modelled by my foot.

To see some of her awesome work and my super modelling skills - click here!
It's like my granny always says, the devil makes work for idle hands.. so better keep 'em busy making beautiful things!

*lip-zip encourages you to drink responsibly. (Most of the time)

Thursday, 12 January 2012


Well I am now back in the rural Galashiels. Land of two 24hr supermarkets, at least 1000 fashion students and about 6 charity shops. Lets just say, there is not a lot to do.
While this will soon benefit me as I have 11 weeks and counting to complete my final year dissertation right now I am a little bit bored.

Time to make use of a very cute, very kitsch Secret Santa gift from the girls at dancing. Silicone cupcake moulds shaped like tea cups, accompanied by adorable little saucers.

I am a very keen baker, unfortunately I didn't have the resources to make coffee flavoured cupcakes so I opted for cola instead. (similar colour, zingyer taste) The recipe was taken from the hummingbird bakery 'cake days' cookbook and I decorated with dark chocolate sprinkles found in the baking aisle of any super-duper-store.

My friends all agree they were delicious.
I have a gift. If I fail in fashion I am definitely opening my own bakery / coffee shop.

Friday, 6 January 2012

This one's for all the E's

I am Disappointed. Outraged. Somewhat suicidal!

Yesterday was the last straw, my last faithful high street store let me down, M&S YOU FAILED ME.
First of all, let's see a show of hands, how many of you out there have a larger than average cup size!? Since I turned 18 I have had a large cup size and a narrow back resulting in an awkward 32E. Excluding me from such high street chains as Top Shop, New Look and h&m. I have had to watch wistfully as my small friend strutted around Agent Provocateur's late night shopping event in various contraptions (she now works there, yes girls, feel very jealous!) while I felt frumpy and foolish squeezing into the few options that would fit me.
I have about 5 bras I wear in rotation 2 pairs of which are the same but different colours. I find myself wondering, why am I forced to be boring!?

However I have always found a safe haven in Marks and Spencer, their bras might not always be racy but they are pretty and usually available in my size. You can imagine my excitement when I walked into the lingerie department last night and spotted this on the mannequin:

My eyes turned to saucers; I HAD to have it. I was sold. It was so quirky and somewhat patriotic. (My estranged boyfriend would love it!) I rushed to the rack confident to find my size, only to be disappointed and upon further investigation I was informed that this collection was only available in cups A-DD.

Why should I be denied to wear this!?
I am fed up strapping myself into boulder holders day in, day out. I am embarrassed to admit I only have one set of matching underwear, a 21st gift from the beautiful friend that works in AP. Sometimes a gal just wants to feel good and I am of the personal belief that dressing from the inside out affects this. Why should bras like this be my only option?

Even my mum has nicer underwear than me. I know I am not alone. I found myself high-fiving a girl on New Year's Eve in the bathroom complaining about the exact same problem. I don't want foam, or padding and certainly NOT gel lining. I am just asking for a nice design in MY size. Bra designers of the world - CATCH UP!

So to all the larger than average girls out there - this one is for you! You are not alone, we need to demand more for our size! Failing that, can ANYONE point me in the direction of the solution? Or the magic, secret lingerie shop I seem to have overlooked?
Thanks in advance!

Monday, 2 January 2012

A little Festive Indulgence...

Hiya Pals!

Happy New Year!!

The past two weeks have been an surreal blur of turkey, roast potatos, sale shopping and booze. I wish I could say I have something to show for it. I don't. But boy did I have a good time! Considering I usually dread New Year and all it's complications this year treated me well with a 12 hour marathon of good company, new friends and a whole load of disco music. I also seem to remember a mini ceilidh in there too!
Notes I am making for next year are:

1. Always make sure you make too much food. Leftovers are sooo much better for hangovers than Maccy Ds.
2. Allow at least one day inbetween events for recovery. I am too old to party continiously and my skin is less than amused at me.
3. Having in your possesion a nice fancy jumper will keep you cosy at any after partys while still looking festive.
4. I suit wigs (see video) and should use this to my advantage.
5. I need to find something to top this Christmas present for next year:

I'm told I am the best girlfriend ever. Just saying. He might be baised... but I'll take it!
Here's to a New Year - A year of dissertaions, exams, graduation, the fear and many more memorable moments!